Chris Powell is what some would call a “born leader.” Even as a child, he naturally became a leader within his social groups. As an adult, when he landed his first “real job” at a company with annual sales of 500m plus., he quickly moved up to the role of Director. Chris was directly responsible for producing and delivering products to clients like American Express, Fifth Third Bank, and other massive institutions globally.
Later, through networking at events and on the golf course(one of his hobbies), Chris decided to open a small staffing company. The company didn’t stay small long. Within 3 weeks of opening, the company was billing a little less than 200k a month. In this endeavor, Chris learned all aspects of what makes a business a business: accounting, hiring and managing employees, worker’s compensation, and much more.
A few years after launching the business, Chris sold it to one of the largest staffing organizations in the world at that time. Due to the success of his company, he became a hot commodity in the staffing industry and was being contacted by headhunters daily. Chris accepted one of these offers and moved back to his hometown.